The first is Breakdown at Xexe, all the work was great, but I was absolutely blown away by Robyn Cummings new work (see above).

The second is a solo show of Jeff Bark's imagery at Nicholas Metivier. (See Abandon (Snap) above). Absolutely phenomenal stuff. I really like his attention to detail and painterly aesthetics. He was also a great guy to observe and talk to at his opening.

Swan Lake (pictured above) is one of my favorites from Geoffrey Pugen's show at Angell Gallery which shows a new and may I say way more appealing direction for him in his photographic work. As much as I hate to say it, he definitely has a comparable career to Crewdson.

Finally, Close Distance is on at the Harbourfront Centre gallery. Yes I am part of this show, but even if I wasn't it would be a must see. Lena Oehmsen has dome an amazing job of bringing like minded artists together.

Post Finale: It has been my first serious Contact festival and the Star Trek franchise has a film titled First Contact. So I guess if you see these shows and want more, go see the new Trekkie flick, I know I'm going to. And yes... that is Eric Bana.